Ever wonder why?

Maybe we can take a look at the ‘Caduceus‘ symbol that the medical industry uses on every doctor jacket, nurse apron, Rx pad, placard, or any other associated service or product to help give you the sense of security and faith that with this symbol you are getting the best care. Think again.

Many confuse the Caduceus with the Rod of Asclepius from the Old Testament with Moses and also the Greeks for which the Holy Bible was originally written. We do see the Rod of Asclepius on EMS and EMT vehicles and uniforms. This is not the same as the Caduceus.

Medical Industry
Staff of Asclepius

The word Caduceus translate to ‘Ca’ meaning Serpent and ‘Duces’ meaning Two. The Caduceus is a symbol of Hermes or Mercury in Greek and Roman mythology. Caduceus symbol is identified with thieves, merchants, and messengers, and Mercury is said to be a patron of thieves and outlaws, not a desirable protector of physicians.

Hermes Trismagistus

Hermes Trismagistus was also known as Thoth the most knowledgeable god of the Egyptians. Before the Egyptian Thoth he was known to the Babylonians and Sumerians as Enki or EA(rth). The symbol represents the gods control over man through institutions and corporations.

Below we see this symbol in association with Inanna in the story of Enki creating hybrids and mankind using DNA technology. The images of Inanna in Babylon also show the DNA strand in association with the caduceus.

Enki is second from Right on the left with Innana- Ancient Sumerian 6000 B.C.
Ancient carving of Inanna with Caduceus

The symbol only became associated with medicine in the mid 1800’s once the banking cartel began usurping the United States of America through the Knights Hospitaller‘s Red Cross financed by the Bank of England. Below we see one of the oldest banks in the world located in London, England established in 1694.

Bank of England caduceus
Bank of England- Look closer at the Bottom doors
Bank of England Caduceus
Doors of the Bank of England. Dont see any healthcare here.
Wow! I see Caduceus on the doors of a Bank built in 1694?

Since the incept of this symbol the medical profession has certainly been twisted into a nightmare in this country. Over the past 2 years the credibility of the healthcare industry has been damaged and revealing of the order-taking automatons that blindly follow without critical thinking or even knowing the banner in which they operate. Blind.

The Caduceus seems to be used by those only interested in making money or the brass tax, ignoring the true needs of the human condition. The Pharmaceutical hell that we live in has ben caused by the mindless distribution of prescription drugs to deal with issues rather than learning how to prevent or take care of with being dependent on drugs from German and Chinese fascist corporations.

Symbols affect our thinking and have been proven to cause changes in behavior through subconscious means such as subliminal advertising which uses shapes and colors to manipulate peoples thinking without them even knowing.

The medical industry on average is responsible for over 250,000 death per year!

That is 2 million in a decade killed due to arrogant megalomaniac institutionalized doctors, nurses and healthcare workers blindly following orders, not speaking up, allowing transgressions, turning a blind eye so they wont lose their job etc, etc. Sounds a lot like employees not willing to risk their jobs to save lives worried only about the bottom line with their paychecks. See Mark 11:15-17 – Metaphor for the worship of money.

medical industry
Healthcare failure!

3rd Leading Cause of Death in the US from Malpractice

– According to CNBC

Sadly over the past few years it has become evident that the medical ‘Industry’ has produced the worst healthcare filled with order takers that allowed 2 years of suffering and mass death from malpractice arrogantly administered from this delusional institution.

So think again when trusting these merchants and thieves. They are only interested in making money and pumping you full of unnecessary drugs.

So Follow the Science!

For instance the careless and mindless use of antibiotics is rampant and reducing natural human resistance. It has been estimated that by 2050, 10 million worldwide deaths could result from antibiotic resistance, making it deadlier than cancer.

Looks like the Medical Industry is in the business of Death.

Cha Ching! What a shame.