From cotton to tri-blend or somewhere in between the US Navy Command shirts that are produced and designed at Navy Crow are the rave among United States Navy Sailors. Clever and highly detailed designs are the standard and when custom military shirts are requested then it gets even better.

Goat Locker Tavern Chief US Navy Shirt
Goat Locker Tavern Chief US Navy Shirt

US Navy Associations and MWR

Fundraising and community support and activities have always been a big part of the relationship between the US navy and the civilian world. Working closely with schools, non-profits, local organizations and more has been an exciting part of being a Sailor. Informative and educational the US Navy associations like CPOAs, FCPOAs, SCPOAs, JEAs, and MWR programs are the backbone of the fleet. With their teaching and backgrounds they have a major influence on how America’s teenagers and students can see what life and duty is like in the United States Navy.

US Navy FCPOA Shirts
US Navy FCPOA Shirts

When US Navy associations are in public they are often wearing the coolest US navy shirt designs ever. Often featuring the command crest or something specific to the command on the left chest and a cool mascot, tools of the trade, rates, chevrons and the occasional mermaid, sea dragon, Sailor or Kraken can often be the design seen. Its uniformity of design, originality of military and the appearance of organization and consistency down to the Type 3 Coyote Brown shirts often worn. With the blueberry uniforms out and the Guacamoles now in the time to wear the Coyote is now at hand.

US Navy command shirts cover a wide variety of military art and design and when coupled with specific details relevant to the US Navy command things get even more interesting.

From the US Navy Chief’s Mess (Goat Locker) to the First Class Petty Officer’s Association, 2nd Class Association, Junior Enlisted Association or even the MWR officers a design begins with concepts. A hand drawn sketch or even a napkin sketches fired over to Navy Crow can begin the process and wind up being truly spectacular.

US Navy Command Shirts Start To Finish

Let’s Barney style this thing.

  1. Send in sketch, concept, links to web art or anything that you like. We won’t copy it but seeing what you want and like is best to arrive at a cool US Navy Command shirt.
  2. Maybe one of the design already offered on Navy Crow just needs to be updated? Sure we can do that. Let us know the design and if it’s going to be a text change or some change to the main art. All is possible.
  3. What goes on the front and are their sleeves to be printed?
  4. Shirt type? Cotton or something else and what color do you want?
  5. Always a good idea to let us know if you need challenge coins done? The art done right for shirts can also be developed for the coins and if they share the same or similar art it’s even easier.
  6. Name and mailing address.

That will get a custom US Navy shirt done very easily. Art can get started, payments arranged and we are on the way to an amazing and original piece of art for your US Navy shirts. Simple as hitting us up at for pricing and more information.

No better time than now to get started. Let’s face it you didn’t join the US Navy to design a shirt but if this project got handed to you and you were ordered to volunteer why not make it creative and fun?