3 Ways to Keep CO’s Mast From Ending Your Career

3 Ways to Keep CO’s Mast From Ending Your Career

Ah, good ol’ Captain’s Mast. There’s a myriad reasons you can go, and more often than not it seems like you’re going to lose a rank and half of two month’s pay when you do. It’s often for stuff you couldn’t get in trouble for on the outside, but you’re not on the...
Navycrow.Com Goes To Fleet Week

Navycrow.Com Goes To Fleet Week

Navycrow.Com Goes To Fleet Week. Nothing like the site of tall masted ships sailing down the Willamette right in the middle of downtown Portland, Oregon. It is a site that happens only once a year and when it does it is something special. Portland, OR a growing...

US Navy Popular Slogans, Names and Mottos

Hurry up and wait! Just one of the thousands of US Navy Popular Slogans, Names and Mottos you will run across almost every day. Remember those days of endless lines and hurrying to something only to find out that you didn’t need to hurry at all? You have driven...