by Salty Dog Old School | Aug 18, 2023 | Crows Nest
China’s Hypersonic Missile Downs US Navy Aircraft Carrier in New Simulation. In a recent series of simulated war games carried out by Chinese military strategists, there are concerning indications that even the United States’ most formidable aircraft...
by Salty Dog Old School | Aug 11, 2023 | Crows Nest
In the annals of naval history, there are moments that shine as testament to the prowess and valor of seafaring vessels. The year 1812 marked a crucial chapter in the maritime narrative, as the USS Constitution, a symbol of American naval might, engaged in a...
by Salty Dog Old School | Aug 10, 2023 | Crows Nest
In the realm of aviation, safety innovations have played a crucial role in protecting the lives of pilots and crew members. One such groundbreaking advancement marked a turning point in aviation history – the first use of a pilot ejection seat for emergency escape. In...
by Salty Dog Old School | Aug 10, 2023 | Crows Nest
The year 1776 holds a special place in American history, marked by the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of a new nation’s fight for freedom. Amidst the revolutionary fervor, a figure emerged who would come to symbolize the spirit of...
by Salty Dog Old School | Aug 9, 2023 | Crows Nest
On December 7th, the nation pauses to remember a pivotal moment in history – the attack on Pearl Harbor. This day, etched into the annals of time, serves as a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made and the indomitable spirit displayed by those who experienced...
by Salty Dog Old School | Aug 9, 2023 | Crows Nest
Every October 13th, a distinguished anniversary takes center stage in the maritime world—the U.S. Navy Birthday. With a legacy spanning over two and a half centuries, the U.S. Navy has grown from its modest beginnings into the formidable force that protects American...