Devil Doc the US Marines have a history all unto themselves and their ranks are replete with nicknames and slogans from Semper Fidelis to the ones each Marine can be called from “Leatherneck,” “Jarhead,” and “Devil Dog”. Dates such as 1775 (a year older than the United States) is also part of their history and tradition. “Leatherneck” came from the first Marine Corps’ uniform that had a high leather collar while “Jarhead” represents the shape of a Marine’s haircut. It was also called a high and tight.

During World War 1 the United States Marine Corps earned what has become one of its most famous names it has ever earned, “Devil Dogs”. The accepted legendary term was first coined by the Germans in WW1 and in the German tongue, the nickname”Teufel Hunden” or “Hell Hounds”. The famous battle at the Battle of Belleau Wood is where this term came into existence. This name then later became “Devil Dogs.”

Why stop there? In the US Navy Corpsmen get their own nickname too. For decades Hospital Corpsmen assigned to USMC grunt units, the 0311’s (rifleman) of the United States Marine Corps were given the name of “Doc”. Those who went to war and fought alongside the US Marines and earned their battle scars were called “Devil Docs”.

Although Marines focus on the warfighting, Corpsmen have been right next to them, manning the frontlines. Spilling the same blood in the same mud the Devil Docs were right there. They patched them up and helped them get back into the fight. Sometimes they would meet the same fate as their ferocious counterparts. The Hospital Corpsman are the most decorated rate in the US Navy because of this. More medals were awarded to US Navy Corpsman at the Battle of Iwo Jima than at any other time in US military history and for a reason. The “docs” who receive their training from Marines can be as deadly as the Marines who trained them.

To earn this unofficial title of “Devil Doc,” a Corpsman must show that he is as dangerous as his fellow US Marines he serves with.  There are only two ways for a Corpsman to earn the title.

The first way is passing the Fleet Marine Force test and earning the FMF pin. Behold, the almighty FMF pin in all of its glory.

devil doc
devil doc

During this test, Navy Corpsmen will meet requirements on Marine Corps history, traditions, weapon systems, employment of said weapon systems, and much more. Many Corpsmen don’t agree with this method. Some older Corpsmen feel that the FMF pin route has washed away in its significance. They feel when the Navy made it mandatory for all Corpsmen to earn this pin, it lost its meaning.

The second way to earn the title is much harder, but it comes with a great level of respect from Marines. A Corpsman must take part in a deployment with Marines and earn a Combat Action Ribbon (CAR). The CAR itself is not what earns the title — the ribbon just communicates to future Marines that the Corpsman has “been there and done that.” And been in the field and seen war.

Combat Action Ribbon
Combat Action Ribbon

US Navy Corpsman earn the title Devil Doc but it’s the US Marine that honors them by using the term and bestowing it on this very rare breed of US Navy Sailor.

Similar to the tradition where Marines earn their Shellback status by crossing the equator — and surviving the hazing festbonding exercise and experiencing the Court of Neptune Rex that follows — Corpsmen earn this unofficial title in a trial by fire.

Marines and Corpsmen will always share a history together. Brother in times of war and war fighters with a common bond that is a symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relationship between FMF Corpsman and US Marine is where Marines need the Corpsmen for medical aid and the Corpsmen need the Marines to win battles.

When they come together, no one can tell the difference between the two on the battlefield. To be a “Devil Doc,” Corpsmen must prove they have the conviction and determination to be a “Devil Dog.” Semper Fidelis.

Devil Doc Challenge Coin

Due to the importance of this US Navy rate and the incredible FMC Corpsman it was imperative to have a challenge created in their honor. This Corpsman Devil Doc US Navy Coin was created for the United States Navy Sailors past and present that have earned this title.

Corpsman Devil Doc US Navy Challenge Coin
Corpsman Devil Doc US Navy Challenge Coin