“Gator Navy” is a nickname for the United States Navy. The origin of the nickname is not clear, but it is believed to have been in use since at least World War II, when the US Navy operated a number of amphibious assault ships and landing craft. The nickname “Gator Navy” reflects the amphibious nature of these vessels and the Navy’s ability to operate both on the water and on land. We honor our Gator Navy Sailors with these Gator Navy US Navy Challenge Coins.

Gator Navy US Navy Challenge Coin
Gator Navy US Navy Challenge Coin

The term has come to symbolize the versatility and adaptability of the US Navy, which is capable of conducting a wide range of missions and operations, from humanitarian relief to conventional warfare. Today, the “Gator Navy” remains a proud and respected branch of the United States military, serving the country and defending its interests around the world.


LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion) is a type of hovercraft used by the United States Navy for amphibious assault operations. LCACs are designed to transport personnel, equipment, and supplies from offshore ships to beachheads, bypassing enemy defenses and allowing troops to quickly establish a beachhead.

LCACs are highly maneuverable and capable of operating in a variety of conditions, including shallow water, rough seas, and surf. They are equipped with powerful engines and large, flexible skirts that create an air cushion, enabling them to “float” over the surface of the water and other obstacles. LCACs are a key component of the US Navy’s amphibious assault capabilities and play an important role in modern naval warfare.

US Navy Amphibious Squadrons

Amphibious Squadrons in the United States Navy are specialized units that provide amphibious warfare capabilities. These squadrons are responsible for transporting, landing, and supporting ground troops and their equipment during amphibious operations. They are typically composed of a mix of amphibious assault ships, landing craft, and aircraft, and they work closely with Marine Corps units to execute complex amphibious assaults.

Amphibious Squadrons typically have the following components:

  1. Amphibious ships: These are large warships that serve as the primary platform for launching and supporting amphibious operations.
  2. Landing Craft: These are specialized vessels that transport personnel and equipment from the ships to the beach.
  3. Helicopters: These provide air support for amphibious operations, including transportation, reconnaissance, and firepower.
  4. Beachmaster Units: These provide logistics and support on the beachhead, coordinating the movement of troops and supplies and establishing a secure landing zone.

Amphibious Squadrons are a critical component of the US Navy’s ability to respond to global crises and support ground operations. They play a vital role in modern warfare, and the US Navy continues to invest in new technologies and capabilities to enhance its amphibious capabilities.

USN Navy Amphibs

“Amphibs” is a shorthand term used to refer to amphibious ships in the United States Navy. Amphibious ships are specialized warships that are designed to support amphibious operations, such as the landing of ground troops on hostile shores. These ships typically have the capabilities to transport, launch, and support ground forces and their equipment, and they work closely with Marine Corps units to execute complex amphibious assaults.

Types of amphibious ships in the US Navy include:

  1. Amphibious Assault Ships (LHA/LHD): These are large, multipurpose warships that serve as the primary platform for launching amphibious operations. They can carry a mix of aircraft, landing craft, and ground troops.
  2. Amphibious Transport Docks (LPD): These ships are designed to transport and support ground troops and their equipment. They typically have a large well deck for launching landing craft and a flight deck for supporting helicopter operations.
  3. Dock Landing Ships (LSD): These ships are equipped with a large well deck for launching and recovering landing craft and other vessels.
Gator Navy Rate Amphibious Assault US Navy Shirt
Gator Navy Rate Amphibious Assault US Navy Shirt

Amphibious ships play a critical role in the US Navy’s ability to respond to global crises and support ground operations. The US Navy continues to invest in new technologies and capabilities to enhance its amphibious capabilities, ensuring that it remains a highly capable and effective force for years to come.