Destroyer Sailors: Tin Can Fleet

United States Navy Destroyer Tin Can Sailors Coin™   All Men are created equal, then some become Destroyer Sailors! The US Navy Destroyers are arguably the most important surface ships of the Fleet. The Airdales will speak of their beloved Bird Farms, the Gator...

Popeye Coins: Don’t Mess With the U.S.

POPEYE THE SPINACH EATING SAILOR MAN   Popeye, the spinach eating Sailor. Beloved by all both young and old alike. Since first making his debut in the Thimble Theater comic strip on Jan 17, 1929 Popeye has proved to all enemies foreign and domestic that US Navy Sailor...

US Navy Corpsmen: The Devil Docs

US NAVY CORPSMEN: THE DEVIL DOCS  The heritage of the US Navy Corpsman, a.k.a. Devil Docs and Hospital Corps places a special expectation on every new member. You are responsible for upholding its proud tradition. The tradition of “service with...